@stuckinarut2: "How do we spell hypocrisy?"
Starts with Watch, ends with Tower.
so i was watching some of the dramas screened at the be courageous convention, and one caught my eye.. it's the scene where a group of jw teens are watching something deemed as "sinful" at the movie theaters.
there were only sound effects, so i decided to fill in the blanks.. https://vimeo.com/275184883.
bottom line: machine guns = bad.
@stuckinarut2: "How do we spell hypocrisy?"
Starts with Watch, ends with Tower.
so i was watching some of the dramas screened at the be courageous convention, and one caught my eye.. it's the scene where a group of jw teens are watching something deemed as "sinful" at the movie theaters.
there were only sound effects, so i decided to fill in the blanks.. https://vimeo.com/275184883.
bottom line: machine guns = bad.
@Room 215 Trust me, "Aprostate Cancer" is less funny than my real full name (thanks mum and dad).
@Normalfulla Mark it under pornography. That way all the elders and CO's will download it.
so i was watching some of the dramas screened at the be courageous convention, and one caught my eye.. it's the scene where a group of jw teens are watching something deemed as "sinful" at the movie theaters.
there were only sound effects, so i decided to fill in the blanks.. https://vimeo.com/275184883.
bottom line: machine guns = bad.
@cleanideas Dead set, that's what happened when I saw the videos at the Remain Loyal convention. I got up and walked out. Forever. Then posted a negative review on Rotten Tomatoes.
so i was watching some of the dramas screened at the be courageous convention, and one caught my eye.. it's the scene where a group of jw teens are watching something deemed as "sinful" at the movie theaters.
there were only sound effects, so i decided to fill in the blanks.. https://vimeo.com/275184883.
bottom line: machine guns = bad.
So I was watching some of the dramas screened at the Be Courageous convention, and one caught my eye.
It's the scene where a group of JW teens are watching something deemed as "sinful" at the movie theaters. There were only sound effects, so I decided to fill in the blanks.
Bottom line: machine guns = bad. Maniacal screaming and piercing shrieks = no-no.
So, be courageous and walk out of that stupid convention. It's simply not appropriate for Christians.
this afternoon, i had a vision.
one of the past, present and future.. .
over the past two decades, i recall one distinct, universal phrase being uttered by older jehovah's witnesses on many different occasions:.
@humbled Wow. You remembered. I just reread that link and my eyes misted over. The correlation between unsolicited elder interventions and Jehovah's Witness suicides is something that should absolutely be measured. The psychology behind them being guided by Holy Spirit and thereby executing "divinely backed" judgement against the believing party is disastrous.
In my late teens, unbeknownst to me at the time, the body of elders had a vendetta against my parents. I bore the brunt of it as a suddenly defrocked Regular Pioneer. I remember the venom, the raised voices, the unfounded accusations as though it all happened yesterday. And that was a decade ago. The ramifications saw me admitted into the ER for trying to end it all. My clinical depression was born and I lived on thinking to myself each medicated day, "if the elders think such vile and cruel things of me, then obviously that's how Jehovah sees me." From that standpoint, what was the point of going on?
RIP Laura Ann Gracey - Jan 11, 2010, aged 37.
this afternoon, i had a vision.
one of the past, present and future.. .
over the past two decades, i recall one distinct, universal phrase being uttered by older jehovah's witnesses on many different occasions:.
@MightyV8 It's just eerie that we ALL know Jehovah's Witnesses who say these words! It's hardly a commercial for their religion?!
@blownaway It's unfortunate, isn't it? In my mind, I see these failed prophecies to Witnesses as this vague (almost mythical) non-issue. By lining up the pictures so closely together (the first woman is Maria Russell and the last child is the Awake! April '15 coverboy), it suddenly becomes very real. Very tangible. Very inescapable.
This is discrimination against pastafarians. #triggered
this afternoon, i had a vision.
one of the past, present and future.. .
over the past two decades, i recall one distinct, universal phrase being uttered by older jehovah's witnesses on many different occasions:.
This afternoon, I had a vision. One of the past, present and future.
Over the past two decades, I recall one distinct, universal phrase being uttered by older Jehovah's Witnesses on MANY different occasions:
"I never thought I'd grow old in this system of things."
Now, they may say it to be bittersweet, but to hear it THAT many times by folks approaching the grave is not just uncanny.
It's f*cking dark.
Watchtower's century-long scam has gone on for far too long. Save the future generations.
Please feel free to use/repost or even covertly show a loved one in an attempt of planting a seed.
Peace out,
...are we having financial issues watchtower?.
a former jehovah’s witness who sexually assaulted three young boys says his homosexual inclinations were repressed by his religion and manifested in his crimes.. gavin andrew lamont, 46, was jailed for four years today for assaulting two vulnerable teenagers in the early to mid-90s and another boy about 20 years later.. lamont encouraged the teens to give him massages and suggested he needed help checking for testicular cancer.. district court judge linda petrusa said lamont, who knew he was homosexual from about age 13, had significant cognitive distortions around sex because of his religious beliefs.. .
she said the victims, who were aged between 14 and 16, were vulnerable because of their youth and lack of sophistication.. judge petrusa sentenced lamont to four years behind bars for indecently dealing with a child and four counts of indecent assault.. lamont was kicked out of the mundaring congregation in 1997 after one of his victims complained to other members, but was reinstated after doing counselling with elders.. he was kicked out of the congregation for a second time in 2014 after another victim made a complaint.. lamont’s crimes came to the attention of police last year through the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.. defence lawyer seamus rafferty described the case as complex, saying lamont struggled with his sexuality because his religion told him it was a sin.. he told the court the church was the essence of lamont’s being and said his client tried to repress his sexuality and ended up behaving in “naïve, unsophisticated and pathetic ways”.. lamont’s parents and sister are all living with complicated health issues and rely heavily on his help and care.. mr rafferty asked judge petrusa to give lamont a conditional suspended jail term, saying he was the glue that was holding his family together.. “this is a case for the exercise of mercy, its mercy towards them (his family) and nobody else,” he said.. judge petrusa accepted a prison term would be tough on lamont’s family but said an immediate jail term was the only appropriate punishment.. in a statement to the court, one of the victims said he felt that he was “forever stained” by lamont’s crime.. he said the abuse had made him self-conscious in his dealings with his own child.. lamont will be eligible for parole after spending two years behind bars.. .
Good intel, @stuckinarut2. If this glaring scandal can't wake up your elder father, then it's time to pull the cord on his critical thinking. I'm calling it. 00:38 Australian Eastern Standard Time.